Seven Warlords of the Sea - One Piece

 Do you know about Seven Warlords of the sea in One Piece series? The fans will definitely know about the most recognized warlords of the sea in the series. As these warlords have been used by the government or Marine for their benefits. Also to provide services as well as aids to these government warriors in various ways in return. To expand  a bit. The seven most famous Warlords of the sea are Sir Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Boa Hancock, Jembei, Gecko Moria, Mihawk and Bartholomew Kuma. Now, let's look at some characteristics of these seven powerful warlords of the sea. 

The Seven Warlords of the Sea 

1. Sir Crocodile

Sir Crocodile 

Sir Crocodile
is a former villain of One Piece. He is also a former president of Baroque Work. He was locked up in Impel Down level 6 after his defeat by Monkey D Luffy. He has the power of Sand-Sand Fruit. Thus, he uses multiple sand techniques such as sand blades, sand storms as well as fly using sand. However, he does not know how to use Haki

2. Donquixote Doflamingo 

Donquixote Doflamingo 

Donquixote Doflamingo
is one of the most powerful pirates. He is also known as ''The Heavenly Demon'' or "Joker" in the underworld. He is very tall in nature standing 10 foot, even taller than Kuzan in the series. Doflamingo has the String-String Fruit having the ability to manipulate razor-sharp strings. Likewise, he can use three basic Haki in total. 

3. Boa Hancock 

Gorgeous Boa Hancock 

Next we have is Boa Hancock one of the prettiest woman in the One Piece series. Hancock is a "Pirate Empress" and also the captain of the Kuja Pirates. Boa Hancock is the only female warlord of the sea. Moreover, Hancock has the Mero Mero no Mi Devil Fruit to petrify her opponents by shooting rays of hearts at them. Her beauty mesmerizes many men turning them into stone. 

4. Jembei

The King of the Sea Jembei

is the king of the sea who can commicate with sea creatures and also gets assist from aqua creatures which is incredibly awesome. Jembei is also one of the strongest fishmen due to his strong willpower. Once he was a former members of Sun Pirates led by Fisher Tiger. Jembei was a good friend Fire Fist Portgas D Ace. So, later he joins Straw Hat Pirates as a tenth member. 

5. Gecko Moria 

Gecko Moria 

Gecko Moria
is also one of the warlords of the sea. He has a unique ability to abstract shadows from his opponents which provides him an energy to battle further. Moria has Shadow-Shadow Fruit. As  a result, he steals shadows for his own gain since his powers can manipulate shadows. Moria gets introduced in Thriller Bark Arc in the series. Moria also gets defeated by Luffy in the Thriller Bark Arc. 

6. Dracule Mihawk 

The Strongest Swordsman Dracule Hawkeye Mihawk 

Dracule Hawkeye Mihawk
is the strongest swordsman in the world with an unparalleled technique to make use of sword. Mihawk even defeats Roronoa Zoro in the beginning of the series. Nevertheless, later Mihawk trains Zoro and even gets suppressed by Roronoa though Mihawk is considered as the strongest swordsman in the globe. Mihawk has an ability to dodge his opponent moves and also strikes long range slash, no matter how chaotic the battle is. 

7. Bartholomew Kuma 

Pacifista Bartholomew Kuma 

Bartholomew Kuma
also known as Tyrant Kuma before his upgration by Scientist Vegapunk. Kuma secrectly works under Revolutionary armies in the series as a subordinate of Monkey D Dragon who is a father of Monkey D Luffy. As a pacifista, Kuma can shoot laser beams at a longer distance which was actually copied from Kizaru's Pika Pika no Mi but he can only shoot mostly through his mouth. 

The Seven Warlords 

To conclude, every warlord has got different abilities to advocate the government in One Piece series. The warlords provide strength to the government by fighting other groups of pirates. Therefore, warlords have more rights to commit crimes as the government gains advantages from these seven warlords. Their Devil Fruit abilities make them firm eventually serve their powers to balance the scenarios in the world of pirates. 


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