What Does Death Note Season 1 is All About?

Let's recall what Death Note is all about? it's quite obvious and familar to everyone what Death Note is all about. To elaborate more on Death Note anime series. Well Death Note is a Japanese manga series where there isn't any specific heroes in Death Note. However, Light Yagami and L Lawliet almost played the role of heroes because Light wanted to wipe out all the criminals though it was unfair to kill people by writing the names of criminals on pages of Death Note. Kira also known as Killer who killed many criminals as a punishment to the criminals. 

Light Yagami and L Lawliet 

is also disguised as Kira who planned to kill all the criminals wherever he hears the names of criminals on television. At first Light also gets scared of God of Death a.k.a. Ryuk. Ryuk intentionally drops his Death Note into a human world after becoming bored in the Shinigami Realm. When Light found the Death Note. He doesn't believe that Death Note is gong to function. When he hears the name of criminal on tv. Light tests the Death Note by writing the name of that particular criminal where he gets shock and amazed when he hears the news again that the criminal has died due to heart attack. 

Light Yagami, L Lawliet and Ryuk

From that moment, Light realizes that Death Note is for real and Shnigami as well. The next day he does the same and enjoy killing people especially the criminals. Light even plans to become the God like figure eliminating all the criminals in the world disgusing as Kira. However, L Lawliet comes in between challenging Kira and suspecting Light as Kira. L almost success to catch Kira but Light plans to kill L for getting into his way. Thus, joins L and gives him his helping hands.

L Lawliet 

Unfortunately, L never knew everything about Light Yagami. Light plans almost perfectly by editing the instructions on the pages of Death Note when Misa was also suspected as Second Kira by L. For 50 days L took precautions. Thus, Misa and Light were kept in captivity for 50 days even after killing continued. Nevertheless, Light uses his head by sacrificing the life of Ram for Misa's sake another Shinigami of Misa. Before the death of L. L hear the bells continuously. Therefore, L even gives foot massage to Light Yagami for having Light as his friend which actually contains another message between good and evil. 

Light Yagami 

The Death Note series doesn't end here because right after the death of L. Two brothers of L, N (Near) and M (Mello) take the responsibility of L's Death and goes after Kira. As a Police Detective both N and M are highly skilled and intelligent. To be precise, and to avenge their brother L. Both N and M compete with other to see who's more clever. Thus, as usual both N and M, competes with each other to catch who the real Kira is and what's he really after? That is all, regarding the Death Note Season 1 series. 

Light Yagami, Near, L Lawliet, Misa and Mello


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