Why Sukuna is After Fushiguro?

What do you think about Megumi Fushiguro? One of the protagonists in Jujutsu Kaisen manga seres. Do you think Sukuna king of curses trying to help Fushiguro? Or is he trying to resurrect himself? Nobody knows what is going to happen next. Unless we read manga to clarify our doubts. However, sometimes manga will also fail to provide us the correct information since manga won't be exactly the same when it comes to anime series that is actually going to show us what's next. Well it all starts at the beginning when Sukuna sees Fushiguro's 10 shadows technique allowing him to create a shikigami. 

Megumi Fushiguro 

When Yugi Itadori, Nobara Kugisaki and Megumi Fushiguro goes on a mission to defeat one of the special grades. Instead of defeating the special grade, the Jujutsu sorcerer 1st grade could barely defend themselves. As the special grade was cunning and possess even intelligence. Likewise, when special grade ambush them all of a sudden. Fushiguro couldn't even move his body because of fear whereas Yugi tries to attack the special grade but unfortunately it wasn't worth it. Thus, Yugi recommends him to run away from special grade and give him a single when Fushiguro reaches outside the curse territory. 

First grade Megumi Fushiguro 

By the time when Fushiguro gives signal to Yugi. it was too late for Yugi to get of the fight since the special grade starts to get serious in the battle and defeats Yugi with an ease. However, Sukuna comes out to help Yugi but with 2 conditions. One was to switch body with Sukuna at least for a minute and another was if Yugi wins then he needs to be revived withing binding vows. 

Fushiguro and Sukuna 

After switching the body Sukuna not only defeats the special grade instantly but also fights Fushiguro almost causing fatal. Nevertheless, Sukuna has plan to use Fushiguro as his steeping stone to resurrect himself meaning Sukuna thinks Fushiguro can be used in order to completely revive himself. Therefore, Sukuna all the time focus on Megumi Fushiguro and even boost him to fight with him later as Sukuna also gets jealous and amazed with his 10 shadows technique after all Fushiguro belongs to a string and popular Zenin clan. 

Fushiguro using multiple Shikigami 


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