Facts About Anime

 What did you learn from a Japanese Manga Series?

Top Anime

Well! It is quite common to ask this question to anybody else but the thing is the responses will be completely different since some people are born with intelligence, some with kindness and others with beauty which is the greatest gift of all and a blessing for our good deeds. In my opinion, as being a fan of Japanese anime series. I've got plenty of ideas and lessons which is mostly relevant to my life. We live in the world where we like to have everything in our life that is impossible to have it. Desire is the cause of suffering that's what Lord Buddha stated. If we think it carefully. Yes, the Buddha was right. People have unlimited wants not knowing resources are scarce in nature that's what we say in Economics terms. Literally it is the same thing with unlimited desires. Perhaps, Japanese are one of the smartest Asians visualizing the ugly side of human nature with their almost correct projections as these lessons can be even associated with our localities residing in different environment. Many of us watch anime only for seek that is not really a cool idea to think about and tell. Remember different people have different level of IQ which is inherented from our genes and blood. However, some people become smart by maintaining consistency, reading books, analyzing the complex things and the most hardest pain in life change the people's state of mind. Similarly, these things can be learned from Japanese anime since the plots are complicated and twisted increasing the thinking capacity of humans. These words love, hatred, life, good, evil, loneliness, pain, suffering, jealousy, success and dreams can be vividly understood once we really put our interests to know about anime eventually grasping the most valuable things in life that is wisdoms. Knowing the differences between what is wrong and right bringing the humanity back. Not everyone gets wisdom only through watching anime because there are many various sources which can make you different than others in terms of thinking, speaking, writing, listening and reading. None of us are good at everything. Everyone lives differently and learn new things differently. After watching anime you will know your true self. What kind of person you are as I felt it and I have discovered my true self. Not only it helped me to get to know myself but also enhanced my other skills because anime consist of multiple genres which aid people to even understand and improve the psychology skills of a person. It is true anime teach us a lot. After reading this article, make sure you discover your passion and learn how to maintain your composure even if you are not in a good vibe or when you are at your weakest stage. 

What is the most fascinating things you like about anime?

One Piece 

The most fascinating things when watching anime is the supercool characters and their attitudes makes me more curious to watch plenty of it. Moreover, the graphics used in every episode  doesn't make me sick to watch over and over again.  Most surprisingly when anime characters resemble our attitude and characters that is the best moment to rejoice the beautiful moment. Even if we can not coup to their culture. It is completely fine as we struggle for our own life. Not to copy other cultures just be part of them which is truly insane. Indeed it is better to quit to pick awful behaviors as there are many good things in anime which would be beneficials to everyone even if we imitate it such as learning how to stay calm during rainy days, having a quick thinking abilities, maintaining a strong bonds with your loved ones, taking care of younger and elder ones, studying how people really do during their darkest hours, and to choose a best path of our own makes us a good human being. Saying is okay but those who put their words into actions are the most beautiful creatures. Additionally, graphics is crucial for a person like me to get hooked by new anime and also episodes as graphics make me active and good graphics can be enjoyed just like we enjoy our delicious foods according to our taste and preferences. Eyes only seek for beautiful and lovely things though people say we need to look at good heart not the person's face which is completely opposite since psychological facts state that people only go for good faces at first because that is the centre of attraction. Almost everything in this world are beautiful as well as very rare to find it. In case we get one we must know the value of that particular person. Never let him/her down instead take care of that person with an affectionate heart so that even God appreciates you and feel blessed with your blissful moments. The word memory is like a beautiful star if it is nice. On the contrary the word memory can be turned into misery when the memories are filled with agony and criticism. Similar to anime if you watch a good ones it will obviously lead you to a right path building up more knowledge right in your head and bad one's is ultimately going to kill you since humans mind mostly remember bad things because many people are negative. Nevertheless, it depends on every individual while expressing their thoughts. No one is perfect, finding one's true goal and passion can lead you to a brighter future. Therefore never hesitate to choose your likes and dislikes. Sometimes saying no can help you in million ways but at first studying the circumstances is must. Learn how to sail on your own over the seas with your own feelings and instincts. Become the boss of your own brain and express your thoughts with regards to your likes and dislikes.


How much do we really know about anime?

Akatsuki Naruto 

Many of us not really know much about anime because many people only watch one or two anime and then avoids watching other interesting ones. This is not a problem of everyone. The primary problem itself is the person's thinking and being impatience as many people love to do easy work and less consuming work not realizing the fact that everything is very hard so I bet it is best to choose one difficult work amongst all the difficult works. However, the ones who watch multiple anime series know the true meaning and the beauty of anime since they are the most active people who constantly watch anime abstracting several lessons. Even the behaviors of anime lovers will be different if they really picked up the good habits. There is no such thing as mystery if people could figure out aura of anime. As facts are much better to lie. Yes it is true that there are tons of anime but the thing is you need to choose the anime before watching especially according to your choice. Nothing is valueless if you know the entire thing is going to benefit you. As time is limited you need to even know the best timing to hit your favorite anime meaning you need to adjust your time in order to not to affect your daily chores. There is a step to know more and the only step to know more is to watch more and more. Basically this is how you can really know about anime but the most important thing is to know precisely what the anime is all about and as mentioned above building more ideas and values is must to improve ourselves as knowing more will all the time reward you more, expanding the mind and having sharp intellect is very crucial to have in this modern generation because being smart is a plus point no  matter where we are, how we look and how we have been surviving. Now here is the secret to really know about anime and to maximize our capabilities is to read books associated to anime as well as manga though mamga readers are said to be spoilers. I believe reading manga can really expand your mind because there is always a power of reading as reading not only let you know more but also keeps your mind out of stress. Thus readers are calm people with analistic mind suppressing almost every thing. Now you know yourself how much you really know about anime.

Why is it important to watch some of them? 

Multiple Anime

Yes it is important to watch some of the anime series because you can increase your cranial capacity just by spending some time watching anime but completely. Imagine you have watched a lot of anime and your friend doesn't have any idea about anime and then start talking about anime. The communications will be boring and incomplete. In addition none of the words will be suitable to hear meaning barely conversation will last for longer duration and in some cases conversation won't even start. Nontheless things start to get interesting if we can coup to the like minded person. Not only we can extend our talk but also befriend quicker than the person who have not watched the anime at all. There is always an intense connection between like minded people which is unique to imagine it. Most probably it is amazing to have such bond and also very rare to find it. If you have  one please take care of it because the word trust comes after decades of bonds and you know to fix the separated string we can not fix it without a knot and that knot is the doubt because that person who committed mistake will be always seen as thread to the other person. Moreover if you don't like reading books but still have a desire to learn English. There is other alternative to master English that is simply by watching anime as it improves hearing sensation, increases speaking abilities, enhances cognitive abilities and creates curiosity to the people to know further. Subsequently it is important to watch anime with responsibilities. 

Do your siblings and families watch anime? 

Black Clover 

If your siblings and families watch anime please don't ever have a negative thought because your siblings and families are different. Let them follow their own passion and let them discover many unknown truths about life, society and humans. Your siblings and families are not in a wrong track. They are going to gradually discover the things that you have not ever taught them. In fact you  can also learn from them because values can be learned from every nook and corner that is why never ever discourage people's interest instead give them more zeal and synergize their passion by encouraging more eventually teach them the most important thing that is the wisdom ultimately knowing what's right and wrong. 

And yes, if you love to read anime articles. You can follow my web link given below:



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