
Showing posts from June, 2022

Who Assasinated Queen Otohime? - One Piece

 Who is Otohime in One Piece? Fans are fans, I can guarantee they are obvious of what this article is all about. Moreover, you all might have already got a picture the moment you saw this article and even reminisced all the events in a sequel especially the events happened in the Fish-men island . Well, Otohime is a golden mermaid who is in the size of average human and also a queen of the Ryugu kingdom. Otohime is the wife of King Neptune as well as a mother of Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Manboshi, and the sweet and stunning princess Shirahoshi .  The Queen Otohime of Ryugu Kingdom  Otohime was a political woman who often thinks about the relationship between humans and fish-men . She even tries to create a beautiful bond between human and fish-men by consulting properly with humans. When Donquixote Mjosgard visited fishmen island ten years ago. In order to tormend and showoff the power of his nobility and Donquixote family . He failed to put it into actions due to protections and ba

Are you Aware of Amazon Lily? - One Piece

 Is there any place call Amazon Lily in One Piece ? Yes, ten billion percent sure. There is a place name Amazon Lily in the series. Basically, it is an empire located in island of women or maiden island. There reside a tribe of Kuja led by Boa Hancock who is the most beautiful woman in the world. Likewise, supported by her two sisters Boa Sandersonia and the elder sister Boa Marigold over ruling the Amazon Lily. Some people may escape the scene of Amazon Lily but I bet, it is not wise to skip this scene because it has the most romantic scene.  Kuja Pirates and Luffy  It is pretty funny to see how the Straw Hat Pirates have been sent flying in the sky into various new places. Actually, Kuma was rational enough to sent them in the new places. As every individual gets strong after sending them into different parts of the world. Additionally, many of them learn new lessons and also upgarded their skills before meeting again. Most probably, Luffy listens to the legendary Dark

Seven Warlords of the Sea - One Piece

 Do you know about Seven Warlords of the sea in One Piece series? The fans will definitely know about the most recognized warlords of the sea in the series. As these warlords have been used by the government or Marine for their benefits. Also to provide services as well as aids to these government warriors in various ways in return. To expand  a bit. The seven most famous Warlords of the sea are Sir Crocodile , Donquixote Doflamingo , Boa Hancock, Jembei , Gecko Moria, Mihawk and Bartholomew Kuma. Now, let's look at some characteristics of these seven powerful warlords of the sea.  The Seven Warlords of the Sea  1. Sir Crocodile   Sir Crocodile  Sir Crocodile is a former villain of One Piece. He is also a former president of Baroque Work . He was locked up in Impel Down level 6 after his defeat by Monkey D Luffy. He has the power of Sand-Sand Fruit. Thus, he uses multiple sand techniques such as sand blades, sand storms as well as fly using sand. However, he does not know ho

Is Fisher Tiger's Death Worth it? - One Piece

 How many of you are aware of Fisher Tiger in One Piece ? I believe, almost all the fans are well known about Fisher Tiger since he was the only one who rescued prisoners. Who were smothering to death due to ill treatment from the government in the series. Fisher Tiger likes adventuring. So, he was also known as sea bream fish-man and the founder of Sun pirates in One Piece. Many things are interesting about him. Thus, let us discover some facts about him. As his story may change the minds of the readers as he is one of the kind.  The Founder of Sun Pirates; Fisher Tiger  If you have watched One Piece . Then there's no doubt you're oblivious about Fisher Tiger because he was the who even saved one of the beautiful empress Boa Hancock. Hancock is extremely stunning in the series because she has everything she needs to be considered as a gorgeous woman. Moreover, it is belief that Boa Hancock as a beautiful woman in the world unlike Whitebeard as a world's strongest