Departure of Straw Hat Pirates - One Piece

Who would have thought Straw Hat Pirates will have departure? It hurts to even imagine when such a wonderful pirates have been separated in a blink of an eye, after being together for soo long. It's been almost perfect when they were together because we know right, "United we stand, divided we fall." Bartholomew Kuma has been problematic in One Piece series especially for Straw Hat Pirates journey because Bartholomew Kuma's paws can send anyone away from him at an instant. After all, he is one of the Warlords of the sea who goes rampage in the fish island. Straw Hat pirates Bartholomew Kuma has eaten Nikyu Nikyu no Mi , a paramecia-type fruit which can, not only send the opponents to an unknown place but also repel anything they come into contact with. At first, many fans didn't know about him though he is one of the Warlords of the sea. Actually, the government in One Piece series really sucks because Pirates have been torture awfully without giving a ...